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About Us

We Are Your Guides to Amharic Learning

Are you ready to dive into the world of Amharic language, education, and culture? Join our dynamic BK Amharic community of language learners and ignite your passion for success. Together, let’s embark on an exciting journey towards mastering the beautiful Amharic language.

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Who we are

We Are Your Guides to Amharic Learning

At BKamharic, LLC, we are enthusiastic about introducing young learners to the beautiful Amharic language. Our mission is to be your trusted guide on this exciting journey of language discovery. Whether you have a personal connection to Ethiopia or are simply curious about its rich culture, we are here to help you every step of the way.

We Believe in Step-by-Step Language Exploration:

We understand that learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging, especially for kids. That is why we've designed our programs to break down the process into four manageable steps. Each step builds upon the previous one, allowing you to explore the beauty of Amharic at your own pace.

Your Preferences, Your Path

At BKamharic, LLC, we believe in catering to your individual preferences and learning style. Whether you're drawn to the intricate script, love expanding your vocabulary, enjoy mastering grammar, or want to immerse yourself in the culture, our programs offer something for everyone. Choose the level that suits you best and embark on your personalized Amharic adventure.

Connecting Kids with Amharic Language and Culture

Our passion extends beyond just teaching Amharic; we aim to connect kids with the language and culture of Ethiopia. Through our Language Practice and Cultural Exploration program (Step 4), we provide an opportunity for young linguists to engage in conversations, read Amharic texts, write in Amharic, and delve into the rich cultural heritage of this East African nation.

Your Journey, Your Destination

Remember, learning a new language is a personal journey filled with discovery and excitement. BKamharic, LLC is here to support you on this path. Whether you're fascinated by the script, eager to expand your vocabulary, or intrigued by Amharic culture, we invite you to pick the step that excites you the most and embark on this rewarding Amharic adventure with us.

The World of Amharic Awaits

Join us at BKamharic, LLC, and let's explore the world of Amharic language and culture together. We're excited to be part of your language journey and can't wait to see where your exploration of Amharic will take you. Welcome to a world of new sounds, words, and experiences!

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Your Child Will Learn the Amharic Language Using Our  Interactive Learning Tools

The Greatest Gift You Can Give A Child! አማርኛ

Explore the power of self-paced learning with anytime, anywhere access

Get ready to dive into the world of Amharic language learning with the BK Amharic eLearning online platform. Designed to be interactive and engaging, this innovative platform caters to learners of all ages - from young kids to adults. Experience the thrill of personalized language learning at your fingertips. The wonders of interactive learning unveil themselves when kids eagerly dive into a world where their senses are awakened on all fronts. No longer confined to reading or listening alone, they become captivated spectators, enthusiastic contributors, and active participants in their own educational journey. Various regions of their maturing brains come alive through this immersive engagement, facilitating seamless information retention.

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Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Calling all language and culture enthusiasts! We believe that unity is strength, and together, we can accomplish anything. Join our BK Amharic community to educate our children on the wonders of our language and heritage.

Introduction to Amharic Alphabets and Sounds
Basic Vocabulary Building
Simple Sentence Structure and Grammar
Language Practice and Cultural Exploration
Meet our team

Awesome people behind us.

Fantahun Tesfaye

Business Manager

Hiwot Tesema

Marketing Manager

Don't wait to achieve your goals. Enroll now in our online course.

Take the next step in your journey by enrolling in our online course. Allow us to equip you with essential resources and guidance, turning your aspirations into remarkable accomplishments.

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